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St Joseph's Catholic Primary School

Aim high achieve together

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Aim high achieve together

Sports Week - The Story

Last week was Sports Week for the whole school and we had a wonderful time trying and learning new sports and activities with lots of different experts from the local community and our own teachers.  The week started wet, but that did not stop us or dampen our spirits!

Mr. Stow worked very hard to organise many sports events and liaise with local sports clubs.  Year 3 even did their times-tables to an exercise regime before learning football and tennis skills!

Did you know that sport provides some excellent opportunities to learn and that there is always a sport for everyone?  hat is why we try so many in sports week!  Having experts come in to introduce us to the basics and set good foundations of understanding with the children is what makes us a little different at St. Joseph's.  We believe that exposing the children to new experiences with experts can not only awaken their curiosity, but make their first memories of a topic, subject or sport be positive and life long.

Sport improves physical strength, flexibility, coordination and fitness, but also has a brilliant effect on mental health, wellbeing and outlook.  It increases your social group and your interactions with others as well as teaching respect and manners, when conducted properly.

Clubs and associations we work consistently throughout the year with and those that have worked with us during Sports Week are:-

Broadstairs and St. Peter's Lawn Tennis Club

Yo!  StreetZone

Thanet Passport

Team Theme Kent

Our Mission and Values

Love of learning, Love of one another, Love of our world, Love of GodLiving out our 5 school values: Belonging, Caring, Enjoying, Respect, Teamwork






We are members of many families and our school has strong links with the parish and the local community.

We care for God’s world and we appreciate its beauty and each other.

Create life long memories in a nurturing safe environment.

We are open to the opinions of others and celebrate our differences.

Working together with parents and agencies to achieve our best.

Read Our Mission and Values

Trust Information

St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is an academy, and part of the Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership. The Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership is an exempt charity and a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales under company registration number 08176019 at registered address: Barham Court, Teston, Maidstone, Kent, ME18 5BZ. St Joseph's Catholic Primary School is a business name of Kent Catholic Schools’ Partnership.
